Vertical Bridge Piercing and Nose Piercing

If you’re considering getting this piercing, you likely have a lot of questions about the process, aftercare, and more. In this article, we’ll answer all your questions and help you determine whether Vertical Bridge Piercing is the right choice for you.

What is a Vertical Bridge Piercing?

A Vertical Bridge Piercing is a type of facial piercing that is placed vertically through the skin on the bridge of the nose. This piercing is also known as an Erl or Erl Piercing, named after the first person to get this piercing.

The Vertical Bridge Piercing is a unique piercing that is gaining in popularity. It’s not as common as other facial piercings like the nose, lip, or eyebrow, but it’s still a great way to express your individuality.

How is a Vertical Bridge Piercing done?

Before getting a Vertical Bridge Piercing, it’s essential to find an experienced and reputable piercer. The piercer will clean the area and mark the spot where the piercing will be placed. Then, they will use a sterilized needle to create the piercing.

The process of getting a Vertical Bridge Piercing can be painful since the piercing goes through the skin on the bridge of the nose. However, the pain level varies from person to person. Some people describe the pain as moderate, while others say it’s more intense.

What are the risks and aftercare for Vertical Bridge Piercing?

Like any piercing, there are risks associated with Vertical Bridge Piercing. These include infection, bleeding, scarring, and migration of the piercing. To minimize these risks, it’s essential to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your piercer.

The aftercare process for Vertical Bridge Piercing is crucial to ensure that the piercing heals properly. Here are some aftercare tips to follow:

  • Clean the piercing twice a day with a saline solution.
  • Avoid touching or twisting the jewelry.
  • Don’t change the jewelry until the piercing is fully healed.
  • Avoid swimming or submerging the piercing in water until it’s healed.

It’s important to note that Vertical Bridge Piercing can take up to six months or more to fully heal.


Vertical Bridge Piercing is a unique and trendy piercing that can help you express your individuality. It’s essential to find an experienced and reputable piercer to ensure that the piercing is done correctly and safely.

While Vertical Bridge Piercing does have some risks, following proper aftercare instructions can minimize these risks.


How long does the Vertical Bridge Piercing take to heal?

Vertical Bridge Piercing can take up to six months or more to fully heal.

What jewelry is used for Vertical Bridge Piercing?

Generally, a straight barbell is used for Vertical Bridge Piercing. The length of the barbell will depend on the thickness of your nose.

Is Vertical Bridge Piercing painful?

The process of getting a Vertical Bridge Piercing can be painful since the piercing goes through the skin on the bridge of the nose. However, the pain level varies from person to person.

What are the risks associated with Vertical Bridge Piercing?

Risks associated with Vertical Bridge Piercing include infection, bleeding, scarring, and migration of the piercing.